SEKA Kağıt Müzesi


SEKA Paper Museum or SEKA Mehmed Ali Kağıtçı Museum is an industrial heritage museum located in Kocaeli, Turkey.

Except for Monday, it provides service between 09.00-18.00 between Tuesday and Sunday.

Seka Paper Museum is toured in groups of at least ten people. Visitors are accompanied by a guide during the museum tour. Thanks to the headphone system, visitors can get important information about Seka's history while visiting the museum. Seka Paper Museum is built on an area of ​​12,345 square meters and consists of 19 different halls. The adventure of paper, which has spread to our country since the establishment of the factory, is conveyed with images.

In the museum, five printing machines are exhibited in a working way by making the best maintenance and repairs. One of the most striking artifacts in the Seka Paper Museum is the paper machine number two belonging to the First Seka Paper Factory. The most important feature of this machine, which reflects the year 1936, is that it has worked continuously for seventy years since the establishment of the factory.


Kozluk, Mehmet Ali Kağıtçı Sk. No:77, 41200 İzmit/Kocaeli

Contact Info

(0262) 332 53 47