Pertev Mehmet Paşa Camisi Ve Külliyesi


Pertev Mehmet Pasha Mosque, also known as Yeni Cuma Mosque, is a 16th century Ottoman mosque located in the Izmit district of Kocaeli province in Turkey. Its architect is Mimar Sinan. Sultan Suleiman and II. It was built for Pertev Mehmed Pasha, who served as the Ottoman vizier during the reign of Selim I. Construction was completed in 1579.


Pertev Mehmet Pasha Mosque, also known as Yeni Cuma Mosque, was built by the Sultan II. It was built on behalf of Selim's second vizier, Pertev Mehmet Pasha, after his death by his kethüda, Sinan Ağa, and was completed in 1579 according to the mosque inscription.

Along with the mosque, the remains of the primary school and the bathhouse are still standing. The mosque and the complex are the works of Mimar Sinan. Of the complex, only the mosque and the fountain have survived to the present day, preserving their architectural features. The Syriac school has completely lost its original shape, while the bath is in ruins and some of its foundation remains are preserved.


Kocaeli, İzmit merkez.

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