Ottoman style bath with wax figures, built and renovated in 1577.
Ottoman style bath with wax figures, built and renovated in 1577.
The building, which is one of the most beautiful examples of Ottoman bath architecture and culture, served as the bath section of the complex built by Lala Mustafa Pasha. According to its charter, it is understood that it was built in 1577. The building, which served as the Pasha Bath for many years, was restored by the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality in 2015 and turned into a museum where Gaziantep bath culture is kept alive. In the bath, which is exhibited faithfully; cold, warm and hot sections, hammam tools and equipment from the Halûk Perk collection, hammam customs, wax sculptures and models.
Karagöz Mahallesi Sadık Dai Sokak No:20 ŞAHİNBEY/GAZİANTEP