Once upon a time, gunpowder production was done with mortar and animal power. This resulted in the production of gunpowder in different thicknesses on each workbench.
Once upon a time, gunpowder production was done with mortar and animal power. This resulted in the production of gunpowder in different thicknesses on each workbench.
To solve this issue, the idea of turning the cabinets by the power of water is considered. Thus, with the reduction in the number of animals and workers, both the costs will decrease and an absolute increase in the quality and quantity of gunpowder will be achieved. For this reason, a search is started for the construction of a new gunpowder house that will operate with appropriate hydraulic energy around Istanbul.
In the research, it is determined that there is a stream with a flow that can turn the gunpowder wheels in Azadlu village, 4 km north of Küçükçekmece Lake. It is decided that the water that will run this gunpowder shop can be taken from its source through a channel. For this, III. A gunpowder shop was established by the order of Selim.47 Sultan III. Selim meets it from his own inner treasure (Ceyb-i Hümayun).
The Azudlu Gunpowder House and its outbuildings, which were started to be built after the preparations, were completed at the beginning of 1796 and gunpowder production began.