Location Based Travelling (Explore the Neighborhood with Augmented Reality (AR)

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Addresses of tourism venues in cities are given in printed brochures or blogs on websites. However, the distances between the places cannot be understood from the written addresses.

In the Digital Tourist Guide, tourists who hold their mobile phones in the direction will see the nearest touristic place and examine its details with the Radar system.

For example, they will learn all details about the historical buildings that were built without any display sign. Or the opening times of a theatre play or the reviews received by a restaurant by only pointing their mobile phones at the venue without going inside.

People will also be able to find places related to their instant needs by filtering the radar. For example, museums, food, toilets...etc.

In today’s world, it became faster to reach information. For that reason, people got used to reaching every need faster than ever. In tourism, while a tourist is walking in a city he/she wants instant solutions. It takes more time to go through the brochures and get the information when it's necessary.